We offer fast and convenient cash transactions for your cryptocurrency needs.
With a streamlined process and competitive rates,
you can easily convert your digital assets into cash and vice versa without any hassle.

CRYPTO to FIATS Converter


1.00 USDT =

7,870 HKD

1 USDT = 0.787 HKD

*The minimum transaction amount is HKD 10,000 or its equivalent.

How does Milways work?

Simply send your personal information and company documents (if applicable) to us and set up an account.

What can I exchange via Cash?


  • HKD
  • USD
  • MYR
  • KRM
  • GBP
  • EUR
  • CNY
  • SGD
  • JPY
  • AED
  • THB
  • MYR

Frequently asked questions

Yes, you are required to conduct transactions with a minimum conversion of HK$10,000 or its equivalent.

Maximize your cryptocurrency
earnings via Milways today